This vision statement was written by Torrey Project's CEO and Founder, David Ferran on June 10, 2019 and encapsulates his vision for where Torrey Project will be 20 years later, in the year 2039.
As Torrey Project’s 20th anniversary draws near we celebrate all that we have accomplished over these past many years. Looking back, it is hard to recall or even imagine those early days when there were just a few of us working out of a shared office space in San Diego.
We were blessed early on, by the Coleman Foundation, with a critical start-up grant that enabled us to launch our now famous, Torrey Project Incubator, and put us on a path to leadership in the field of entrepreneurial education and empowerment.
From there, it has been a steady climb up. Torrey Project’s early efforts to establish meaningful global relationships paid dividends over the years as we were able to leverage those relationships in expanding our global network.
With more and more financial partners choosing to back us, we have been able to scale massively, first with a global digital presence and later with our offices and operations around the world. Our size and scale have allowed us to significantly influence global capital markets, with the result being an ever-greater percentage of investment capital being directed towards conscious companies.
But that’s not all, these days Torrey plays a significant role in educating both high school and University students on the power of business as a force for good in the world. Torrey Certified Entrepreneurs are leading some of the fastest growing and most profitable businesses on the planet and they are doing so with a firm commitment to serving the needs of all their stakeholders.
Having trained thousands of new conscious entrepreneurs and having been responsible for the establishment of tens of thousands of new B-Corps, we can see the impact that our efforts are starting to have in the global business community and, in turn, on the planet and society.
With so many of our graduates choosing to go public on the long-term stock exchange we can finally see B-corps beginning to scale in size, strength and social impact.
Environmental degradation and socio-economic injustice remain as important issues to be dealt with, but with each passing year we see new examples of huge problems being successfully addressed by powerful businesses working together around the world. The tide has turned and the era of shareholder primacy is coming to a close. The world is a better place than it was when we began, and there is great hope for the future as a result of our work. We have every right to be proud.